For today's first socratic circle we will be breaking into two groups: the first will be our "fishbowl," leading a group discussion about Staves 1 and/or 2 of A Christmas Carol; the second will be our audience, observing how discussion is going and if they agree/disagree with the conversation taking place in the middle.
Audience members: in the comments section of this post, make thoughtful observations about the conversation taking place in the "fishbowl." Good observations will do the following:
- Identify when you agree/disagree with observations and specifically state why (ASR: Apt Specific Reference).
- Observe what specific group members did that helped to "propel" conversation forward, respond to their group members, and provide thoughtful observations.
Fishbowl members: in yesterday's class, you worked with your group members to pick what sections of Staves 1 and 2 you wanted to discuss and what roles you will play (i.e., discussion leader, "Sherlock Holmes," "Librarian," "Matchmaker," etc.). You also wrote your own Level 1, 2, and 3 questions about your passage(s). Students receiving a 3, "Meets," on Speaking and Listening 1, will do the following:
- Come to discussion prepared, having read and researched materials beforehand. SL1a
- Work with peers to promote a civil, democratic discussion, set clear goals, and establish individual roles. SL1b
- Propel conversations forward by posing and asking questions that probe reasoning and ask for evidence. SL1c
- Respond thoughtful to diverse perspectives, synthesize (combine) comments, claims, and evidence, resolve contradictions, and investigate meaning. SL1d