Monday, November 28, 2016

English Essentials: Chapter 20, "Freak," Becoming Nicole by Amy Ellis Nutt

Discussion Questions:
Over the break, we read chapters 18-22 of Becoming Nicole by Amy Ellis Nutt.  "Freak" is one of the most important chapters in Amy Ellis Nutt's book, Becoming Nicole.  For today, you will participate in class discussion electronically by answering the following questions (one at a time) and sharing with the class.
  1. Why does Nutt begin the chapter with the title, "Freak?"
  2. What does "Freak" mean?"
  3. In your own words, describe the "bathroom incident" that lead to Nicole's bullying in this chapter.
  4. What rights does the school have? 
  5. What rights do the parents and Nicole have?


  1. 1. Nutt titles the chapter "Freak" because in the chapter, kids at Nicole's school called her names which made her feel like a freak.

    1. 2. I think freak means odd, different or weird. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, freak means "a person, animal or plant with a physical abnormality" (286)

    2. 3. The "bathroom incident" in this chapter was that Nicole was using the girls bathroom and when Jacob found out, he had a fit and called her names, so the administration didn't allow her to use the girls bathroom anymore and she was to use the staff bathroom.

    3. 4. The rights the school has is to make every student comfortable and safe in the environment, but the teachers can't avoid the laws in this situation so they have to be careful what they let Nicole do.

    4. 5. The rights that the parents and Nicole have is that they need to also make sure their child is comfortable and to have the freedom she deserves.

    5. I agree with what you said about the "bathroom incident", you wrote some important details about what was going on with the whole bathroom incident.

  2. I think Amy Ellis Nutt called the chapter Freak, Is because people at her school were calling her names.

    1. I think freak means not normal or not natural.
      According to Oxford English Dictionary Freak mens " A person who is obsessed with a particular interest" (286).

    2. I think the "bathroom Incident" was because of the bullying, The bullying that Nicole was going through was because, Nicole was going to the girls bathroom instead of the boys. Therefore Jacob was making fun of Nicole going to girls bathroom instead of the boys.

    3. The school rights are making sure that the kids are comfortable at the school

    4. The parents that Nicole and her parents have is making sure that there child is comfortable at the school, and making sure that when something happens they don't feel uncomfortable.

    5. I agree with what you said for number 4, the school has a job and that is to make every student feel comfortable at school and make sure they are safe. When that safety with the student at school is broken, then that is where the issues start about Nicole's rights.

  3. 1. Because Jacob went in to the girls bathroom and then Mrs. Elisabeth Molloy pulled him out and said because Nicole was in there he should be able to and called Nicole a "Faggot" and kind of implied Nicole was a freak.

    1. 2. Freak means someone who is different in a bad way. According to the Oxford english Dictionary "a person, animal or plant with a physical abnormality" (286).

  4. 3. Jacob went in the bathroom and made fun of Nicole and then everyone found out Nicole was transgender and that lead to Nicole getting called names and bullied in school.

    1. 4. They can allow Nicole to go into the girls bathroom.

    2. 5. To let her do what she is comfortable doing.


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