Wednesday, April 26, 2017

11/12 English: Teaching Tolerance through Freedom Writers, Day 2

Teaching Tolerance: Day 2
Respond to the questions below in the comments section with at least 3-5 sentences.

Note: please read over your post and check spelling, punctuation, and grammar before you hit "publish." This is a summative exercise on L2, "I can demonstrate grade-appropriate command of the English language including spelling, capitalization, and punctuation."

L2 Rubric (click here)

Discussion Questions:
Think about your own school or out-of-school activities. Are youth respectful of each other’s differences? Are there problems similar to those in Wilson High? If so, what steps can you take to initiate change?


  1. I think the students at our school and the people in our community are respectful of each other's differences. I think Wilson High is a lot different from the Vinalhaven School. At Wilson High, there are dangerous gangs and people don't accept other races. That is not the case here. There are no gangs here, but there are cliques that may cause some people to feel verbally bullied.

  2. I think for the most part the youth is respectful of each other's differences at Vinalhaven. There may be some comments, but nothing like Wilson High. At Wilson High it seems like there are fights every day in the middle of classes. At Vinalhaven most of the negativity is out of school. At Vinalhaven there is mentoring groups which helps the students.

  3. I believe that our youth on Vinalhaven is fairly respectful to one another. I do not think our school really relates to Winslow High to the extent of separate gangs fighting one another. I do believe that sometimes we have different groups that hang out together but we are very respectful to each other with the exception of teasing or joking around with one another in a friendly manner.

  4. Where we live our youth is pretty respectful for the most part, there are a handful of kids that are not but not many. We do not have problems at all like in the movie none of us are in gangs or even really know what a gang is at that. I think that we except each other for who we are even if there are some things about other people we don't like we don't make a big deal out of it. I would say we don't have much in coming with Wilson high.

  5. At Vinalhaven High School, I believe that we do have some issues when it comes to respecting others. However, I do not think that this is a huge matter such as the issue at Wilson High. The violence that goes on in Wilson High is completely opposite from Vinalhaven High. Our problems are more along the lines of respecting one another and accepting each other for who we are as a person, not a student.

  6. Yes, where I go to school the youth is respectful of each others differences. The problems are not similar to those in Wilson High, we don't even have problems that are concerning compared to what got son in other high schools. We do not have gangs here so that is not a problem in our school. If this school did have problems like this it wouldn't be that hard to fix with us being the small community that we are.

  7. From my opinion I do think youth from Vinalhaven school are respectful of each others differences but sometimes there are cases of disrespect. Our school is nothing like the school Wilson from the movie. In our school there aren't random fights in the halls there may be a few rude comments here and there but not every single day. For the most part our school gets along with one another very well. Another thing our school is very good about is we don't judge people by their race. Out here people don't care how you look only about how you treat one another.

  8. People at Vinalhaven School are respectful of each other's differences, but some people talk behind each others back. These problems are not similar to those in Wilson High because the people there have gangs that create violence. Here, there are people who are in groups that make up negative drama about others, but in Wilson High there is violence involved. People don't accept other races and I feel that it is an extremely unsafe environment. Vinalhaven School is a safe environment because there is no violence.


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