Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Kurt Cobain on identity

Kurt Cobain is a famous influential singer songwriter and guitarist, best known for being the lead singer in the group, Nirvana. Blank on Blank is a channel that has interviews on various famous people talking about specific topics. On this episode of Blank on Blank Kurt talks about his story, personal beliefs, and some of his musical techniques.

Discussion questions:

1. Have you ever had a friend that you weren't able to hang out with anymore based on what your parents thought?

2. Do you think some of the music you listen to is built on sexism?

3. What audience do you think Cobains music speaks to?


  1. 1) No I've never had a friend I haven't been allowed to hang out with. My parents don't really care who I hang out with as long as I'm being safe and not being stupid.
    2) Most music is about sexism so yes most likely some I listen to is.
    3) I think the audience for Cobains music is anyone that is more interested in the lyrics instead of just the music.

    1. Do his lyrics speak to you? Do you think he has a powerful voice?

    2. I don't really listen to his music so I don't know but from what I've heard about him I do think he has a powerful voice.

    3. Do you think that people really listen to what the lyrics are actually saying, or just to the rhythm of his voice and the instruments?

    4. I think people actually listen to the lyrics because his lyrics are very meaningful and powerful.

  2. 1.) I don't think that I have ever had a friend I have not been able to hangout with but I have defiantly had a lot of friends that my parents have not thought very fondly of and have not be impressed we me being with them.

    2.) I do think that some music has a lot to deal with sexism and a lot of music is influenced by sexual activity.

    3.) I think it speaks to people that are kinda in his same shoes.

    1. What kinds of music do you think shows sexism the most?

    2. What do you mean by "his same shoes"

    3. I agree with this, and what types of music do you think are influenced by sexism?

    4. By in his shoes i mean like other kids who have had to grow up without both parents and in tough situations.

    5. Why do you think that so much music is influenced by sexual activity?

    6. If you really listen to the lyrics in a lot of music it seems like it is all about drugs and sex.

  3. 1. As a kid I had a friend that I wasn't able to hangout with for a certain amount of time because my parents thought we made bad choices.

    2. There are so many rap songs that are built on sexism, but most people don't really think it matters, and they don't really pay attention to what the song actually implies.

    3. I think that Cobain's music speaks to people who are afraid to follow your dreams, open up to who you really are, and not be scared to be "different" or face your problems. People who aren't able to accept who they are as a person would also listen to his music, if they really listen to the words.

    1. Do you think most people don't understand what they are listening to? You think mostly rap is about sexism?

    2. To be honest, I think that a lot of people don't know what the lyrics actually mean, and they just listen to the beat of the song. People who listen to him a lot may understand a little bit more on his past and how that corresponds with his life.

  4. 1) No, I have never had a friend that I wasn't able to hang out with because of what my parents thought.
    2) Most music is built on sexism, so yes.
    3) The audience is probably people who feel the same way he does.

    1. What kind of music do you think is built on sexism?

    2. I agree with you about people who feel the same way as he does, but how does he actually feel? In the video he gives many examples about what happened in his lifetime, which changed who he is today.

    3. In the video he said he felt a lot of anger, like he didn't know who he really was. His music helped him realize who he was.

    4. Mostly rap music. Good question, Amber!

    5. Does it bother you that most music is built on sexism?

    6. It doesn't really bother me. I don't really think about it because it is how it's always been.

  5. 1. My friend and I couldn't hang out when we were younger because we were bad together.
    2. Some music I hear is built on sexism.
    3. I think his music speaks to people who feel the same way as him and aren't able to accept who they are.

    1. I really agree on everything you said, but do you think that his music helped him figure out who he was?

    2. It seems like it is mostly rap music.

    3. I think his music helped him figure out who he was, along with creating something that can help others too.

    4. I can't answer that because I haven't really listened to his music before.

  6. 1. I have never had a friend that my parents have not let me hang around.
    2.Yes I think a lot of music is based on sexism or happens to be very sexist.
    3.I think Kurt's music speaks out to a lot of teens that have trouble with themselves and need to feel like somebody understands.

    1. What types of music do you think is based on sexism?

    2. I think a lot of rap music is based on sexism.

    3. Do you feel inspired by Kurt's music?

    4. I do feel inspired by some of Kurt's music.

    5. I think the song I like big butts and I cannot lie by sir mix-a-lot is sexist.

  7. 1. No I have not had any friends that I wasn't able to hang out with.

    2. Most of the music that I and many others listen to is probably built on sexism.

    3. The audience it speaks to is probably troubled teens.

    1. Do you say "probably" because a lot of music is unclear on the message but most likely sexist?

    2. yes, because if you picked apart most songs and really payed attention to I'm sure you could find something sexist.


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