Thursday, December 15, 2016

Writing Warmup: "Neature Nuggets, Episode 1" by vicscrappyvideos

Writing Warmup:
This video is made to teach people how to be safe out in the wilderness. It also shows people some of the neat things that can be found while walking through the woods.  After watching the video, please answer the following discussion questions below.

Two-to-Three discussion questions.
1) Who is the audience?
2) What is the purpose of this video?
3) Do you think this video could possibly be educational for someone that has never been in the woods?


  1. 1) The audience would most likely be teenaged boys are younger men.
    2) The purpose of the video is to be humorous and to show you what to do when your "walking around in the woods".
    3) I don't think this video would be educational because its not very helpful it was just used to be humorous.

    1. Do you think that this video is accurate, or just representing how to be safe in the woods in a weird and funny way?

    2. I think its just representing how to be safe in a funny way.

    3. In what ways is he showing how to be safe?

    4. From my opinion he's really not showing how to be safe.

  2. 1) The audience is probably teenage boys because they think these videos are funny.
    2) The purpose of this video is to make people laugh.
    3) I don't think this video could be very educational for someone that has never been in the woods because it isn't a serious video.

    1. Do you think that people laugh because of how unrealistic it is, or because he keeps saying "thats pretty neat?"

    2. I think people laugh because it is supposed to be funny and unrealistic, but him saying, "thats pretty neat," probably makes people laugh too.

    3. But if someone has not ever been in the woods do you think they would know any better.

    4. If someone has never been in the woods and they watched this video, they might get the wrong impression of what the woods are really like.

  3. 1)I think the audience would be people who are people who are looking for something funny to watch.

    2)I think the purpose of the video is so people can just get a good chuckle out of it.

    3)I don't think that people could really learn much from this because it is more of a comedy type thing than educational.

    1. "People who are people who are"

    2. Do you find these type of videos funny since you go hunting and are in the woods quite a bit?

    3. I think they are funny because a lot of the stuff he says it completely wrong and he thinks its right.

  4. 1. The audience is probably teenage boys because these videos make them laugh more than women.
    2. The purpose of this video is to teach people how to be safe in the wilderness, and to make people laugh because it isn't realistic.
    3. I don't think that this video is educational for someone that has never been in the woods because it is supposed to be funny, and not very realistic. Someone who has never been in the woods would need more information, and better details about how to be safe.

    1. I agree that the audience is probably teenage boys, but do you think some women enjoy these videos also?

    2. I think that women do enjoy these videos but not as much as teenage boys because videos like these are more their humor.

    3. Would they need more information, or would they just need it described in a serious way?

    4. Both, because in this video the information given is a joke, and you would need the video to be more serious in order for people to believe that is what you to do be safe in the woods for the first time.

  5. 1. I think the audience is people (boys and girls) that really enjoy these videos and find the humor in them.
    2. This video is to teach people about nature and to get a laugh out of the viewers.
    3. Yes I do believe this could be useful because some people might not know how to approach things in the wilderness.

    1. How do you think girls find humor in these videos?

    2. So you think that people will actually get use out of this video if they were to go into the woods for the first time?

    3. What would be a useful skill shown in the video?

    4. Cheyenne: The same way boys find humor in them.
      Ashlyn: I think if it is somebody's first time in the woods, they might actually find this helpful and take it seriously if they don't know better.
      Henry: I don't find any of these skills very useful but I find them funny.

    5. I disagree, some females may not find humor in these videos.

    6. I didn't say all females and not all boys find humor in them either.

    7. What age group girls would probably like these videos?

    8. Well apparently no girls like them so i don't know.

    9. I didn't say all girls didn't like them I just said some don't find humor in the videos.

    10. I think it is a toss up between who would like them and who would not like them, these videos could be funny to anyone it just depends on what type of comedy you like.

  6. 1. The audience are people on youtube, probably more boys.
    2. The purpose of the video is to be funny, and to joke about nature walks.
    3. Its not very educational because little real information is given, it would be really funny if someone watched this and believed you could actually communicate with the animals and toss some dirt around.

    1. Do you think anyone has ever tired to get animals to come to them by doing that.

    2. There are probably some crazy people that have.

  7. 1. The audience is people who find the video funny and enjoy nature.
    2. The purpose of the video is to make you laugh and to show you more about nature.
    3. Yes it could be educational to some people who don't know anything about nature or just being out in the woods.

    1. What do think the most educational part of the video would be?

    2. The part where he talks about dangers in the woods with various animals.


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