Thursday, December 8, 2016

Writing Warmup: "How to Make Your Own Kylie Jenner Lip Kit!!" by Miranda Sings

Writing Warmup: 
Coleen Ballinger created a YouTube star named Miranda Sings who brings out a lot of humor in the YouTube world. Miranda's character can best be described as immature, sassy, rude, and childish. In this video, she is going to show people how to make the Kylie Jenner lip kit in her own "unique" way. 

1) Who is watching her videos?
2) Why did she make this video? 
3) What adjectives describe how she acts?


  1. Thank you for sharing this interesting look into YouTuber personalities! I had no idea that "characters" like this existed on the Internet! I can't wait to see the class's responses!

    1. I think it is important to have "different" or "unique" videos on YouTube, rather then having the same styles. Why do you think people come up with these characters, or how do they think of such weird personalities for them?

    2. What great questions Ashlyn! I think people come up with characters like these because they are a way to garner attention, develop a fan base, and promote themselves as actors/actresses who work in the media business. As for "how" actors come up with these characters, I'm not entirely sure, but I imagine it's probably the result of years of trying to create a YouTube presence.

  2. 1) The audience is anyone who thinks she is funny, but it is probably usually younger people.
    2) Coleen Ballinger make this video to make people laugh.
    3) One adjective that describes her is humorous.

  3. 1. Her subscribers and people on YouTube are watching the videos.

    2. She made this video to show how to use the Kylie Jenner lip kit.

    3. Some adjectives to describe her are funny, weird, and childish.

    1. I agree with your adjectives, but who usually subscribes to her? Younger or older people?

    2. I think mostly younger people are subscribed to her. Most likely teenage girls.

    3. Do you think that the viewers are young girls, or just girls in general. I think that anyone who loves humor would watch these videos. I already used "childish" as an adjective, can you think of another?

  4. 1) The audience is anyone who thinks Miranda is humorous.
    2) Miranda made the video to make people laugh and to lighten their mood.
    3) A couple adjectives to describe Miranda would be, immature and humorous.

    1. Do you think that these people find out about her through other people, or just from their certain interests such as humor? I already used immature, could you think of another adjective?

    2. They might of found her videos from videos you might like.

  5. 1. I would guess there are only or mostly girls watching Miranda Sings videos.
    2. She made the video to joke about Kylie's lips.
    3. She uses a annoying voice to get into her character.

    1. I agree with you when you say she uses an annoying voice but thats what makes it funny!

    2. What are some adjectives that would describe her personality in general?

    3. I would say strange and mysterious

  6. 1) Her subscribers are watching her videos, possibly her videos could come up on the "suggested videos" and lots are very intrigued by her thumbnail, also Coleen is a very well known human being. The age groups could possibly be from 13 and up maybe even a little younger.
    2) She made this video because lots of people are very intrigued with how well she presents herself as a whole other person. She's a huge inspiration to many young adolescents.
    3 She comes off as a very crazy and courageous human being.

    1. I like how you said that her videos may have come up on the "suggested videos." Do you think that she created this character to prove to other people that you should't care what others think about you, even if you are different or "unique?"

    2. Yes, I do believe that one of the reasons why she created a whole other character was to show everyone that it doesn't matter what others think of you.

  7. 1. The people watching them are probably people looking for tips on using the Kylie Jenner lip kit.

    2. She made it to try and get people to laugh.

    3. Some adjectives to describe her would be funny, weird, foolish, odd.

    1. Keon, I had the EXACT same thought about question 1! I figured that people looking for reviews of the "Kylie Jenner Lip Kit" would probably stumble across this video.

      What do you expect these people would think upon seeing this video?

    2. They probably wouldn't watch to much more of it once they saw how the lipstick was on her lips to begin with.

    3. I agree with you as well Keon, I think that when adolescents and teenagers are looking for reviews of the "Kylie Jenner Lip Kit" lots of different people will come upon this video. They will probably be either intrigued or very annoyed.

    4. Do you think that because Miranda is famous and a lot of people love her, people stumbled upon this video, or do you think it was on the suggested videos?

  8. 1. I think pre teen and teenage girls will like this.
    2. I think she made the videos to try to be funny and wacky and catch the interest of young girls.
    3. loud, obnoxious, annoying, funny, hideous, Carolyn

    1. I agree because some people think that kind of stuff is funny.

    2. Can you explain how the adjective Carolyn describes the way she acts?

    3. Why do you think that teenage girls would be interested in this? What about guys?

    4. Because i don't think many guys are interested in makeup tutorials.

  9. 1. Teenage girls are watching her videos.

    2. She made this video to be funny and make fun of Kylie Jenner and her lipstick

    3. Funny, odd, and obnoxious are some adjectives that describe the way she acts.

    1. I agree she came off as very odd to me too.

    2. Why wouldn't older girls like this type of video as much as teenagers?

    3. Because they are more mature and have out grown that stage.

    4. Because they might not find this type of humor funny.


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