Monday, September 19, 2016

11/12 Writing Warmup: Swagger Wagon (9/19/16)

Bell Ringer Activity:
Watch the video, "Swagger Wagon, Toyota," and answer the following questions.

1) Who is/are the credible speaker(s) in the "Swagger, Wagon" video? What makes them credible or gives them authority?
2) What is the logic, or logos, of the "Swagger Wagon" video?
3) What is the emotional appeal, pathos, of the "Swagger Wagon" video?


  1. 1) The credible speakers in the "Swagger Wagon" video are the two adults. They are credible because they are the parents and the point of the video is to get families interested in the car.

    2) The logic, or logos, of the video is to advertise the car in a fun way, especially for families.

    3) The pathos of the video is supposed to be fun or funny, making it interesting for the viewers.

  2. The credible speakers in this video is the mom and dad because they are the important ones talking the whole time. Mini vans aren't the ideal cool car but this video is trying to show parents that it is cool. It is suppose to grab the attention of parents of young kids and show them it is cool and safe

  3. 1) The credible speakers in the "Swagger Wagon" are parents. They are credible because the purpose of this video is to sell this car to people, especially to families like the family in this video.

    2) The logos of the "Swagger Wagon" is that this car is perfect for families.

    3) The pathos in this video is happiness or humor.

  4. The credible speakers in the "Swagger, Wagon" video are the parents in the video because they are the older people, and the ones actually singing. They are credible because they are adults, and the ones singing. This family is advertising Toyota, and is representing a very happy family, which is an example of pathos. The first feeling of emotion that I felt was how they were all so happy and spending time together. The logic of the video was that it is a cool car "swagger wagon" and they are advertising for Toyota.

  5. The speaker is the parents and other parents can connect with the commercial is what makes them credible. The logic of the video is that a family car isn't something that is cool or a luxury its used mostly when you have kids. The emotion is that parents think the car is better than other ones because of the way the commercial shows it.

  6. The credible speakers are the parents. The logos is everything shown in the video how its a great vehicle if you have kids. The pathos would be the humor of the parents rapping about the "swagger wagon".

  7. 1. The parents are the credible speakers.

    2. A minivan is mostly used as a family car.

    3. It is suppose to be funny

  8. 1) The credible speaker(s) in the "Swagger, Wagon" video are the parents because they are considered authority so it would make more sense to have the parents being the center of attention, as it would help to sell more of the mini vans. Stereotypical "all" parents with children own mini vans.

    2) The logic, or logos, of the "Swagger Wagon" video is showing that the car is perfect for all families, not only is it beneficial but the vehicle has a good style and is very luxurious.

    3) The pathos, of the "Swagger Wagon" video would be considered happiness or humor

  9. 1) The credible speakers in the "Swagger, Wagon" video are the parents, this video makes them credible because they are trying to advertise the car.

    2) The logos of the "Swagger Wagon" video is showing that mini vans are the perfect car for bigger families.

    3) The pathos of the video is supposed to be funny and fun.


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