Sunday, September 11, 2016

Summer Reading Review:And Then there Were None; Getting the to know everyone!

          This summer for our summer reading project i chose to read "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie which was highly recommended by one of my classmates. In the book "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie, she starts the book by talking about Mr. Justice Wargrave she writes about him retiring Judge "Mr Justice Wargrave, lately retired from the bench" (pg 1) he's taking a train to the seaside of Sticklehaven to catch a boat to Indian Island.There are a lot rumors about the Island some say Mr Owen purchased it.Other people say a movie star from the royal family bought it, so the paparazzi.He go a letter from Constant Culmington a friend that he hasn't seen 8 years.In Christie's book she writes a line that states "Constant Culmington, he reflected to himself was exactly the sort of women who would buy an island and surround herself with mystery."(3).In the same train was Vera Claythorne she was contemplating on a accepting the invitation to Indian Island where she was hired as a secretary.By the looks of it, it seems like already accepted because she on her way to seaside.She think a women named Una Nancy Owen hired her, she also believes she is very lucky to be getting this job.She was involved in someone's death.But she was exonerated of blame.But there was still one person who still thought she was guilty Hugo.She is not exactly keen on thinking of the sea because it brings her bad memories like what Christie writes "A picture rose clearly before her mind. Cyril's head, bobbing up and down,swimming to the rock...Up and down--up and down.... And herself swimming in easy practiced strokes after him"(p. 4).By what Christie wrote it seems like Vera still feel very guilty because all she can remember is Cyril's head bobbing up and down she trying to get to him. As she tries to for get everything she notices an attractive man in front of her.Philip Lombard see's Vera and instantly finds her attractive as well as she does him.He states he was hired to do a mysterious job over at the island.When he was offered the job it was by a man called Issac Morris.Also on the train is Emily Brent.She isn't too keen on "lounging" like christen puts it.She was invited to go on a holiday with someone she remembers as Miss.Oliver who said to have shared a guest house with her.General Macauthur who is going on a slower train to Sticklehaven he was promised that some of his old friends were going to be there so they can talk about the "old times".Dr.Armstrong is a very successful and wealthy doctor he was driving up to the island.He was asked to go there to check up a Mr.Owen's wife's condition.He had an incident back when he used to drink a lot.Then last but not least Tony Marston a young rich guy who is described to be good with the ladies and have good looks.He thinks he going there for a party with a friend of his named Badger.Then there is Mr.Blore who is a retired detective (something i some how struggled to figure out when i was first reading) he believes his job will be an easy job. A s he is getting of an older man tell him "the Judgement day is near".When they all arrive there are two taxis there waiting for them so they can be taking to the dock.The first taxi the Judge and Emily share.The second cab Philip and Vera share but can't leave until General Macarthur arrives on the slower train.Back at the dock Judge and Emily are there with a man with a name of Davis.Before they leave Tony arrives in his car.The man who ferries them  over there Fred Narracott notices that they don't like they know each other.He also doesn't think they are people a millionaire would have as friend which he this Mr.Owen is.When they arrive they are greeted with a butler Mr and Mrs Rogers.They tell the guest Mr.Owen isn't there too receive them but too make themselves at home.All of the guests rooms are all ready, when Vera goes to her room she notices a nursery rhyme hanged on the wall one that was sang to her as a child.DrArmstrong and Judge Wargrave pass each other in the hallway and Dr.Armstrong remembers giving testimony one or twice in his courtroom.While Emily is in her room reading the bible.

1 comment:

  1. Great job describing Christie's storyline and using quotes to support your ideas Rosie! I'm really happy with your summer reading log review and can see a huge improvement in your writing since last year.

    For your next log, let's work on formatting (paragraph breaks for instance) and reading it out loud. I see some uncapitalized proper nouns ("I" not "i").

    Overall, a very interesting review! Great work!


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