Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Summer Reading Review:Lord Of The Flies by William Golding

I read Lord Of The Flies by William Golding.  The book is about these kids from Britain who crash landed in plane onto an island, and they have to survive the best they can until someone can save them.  Along the way they go through vigorous tasks like deciding who's in charge and who does what.  In the very beginning they find a conch shell that they use to gather all the kids and get there attention.  The person who holds the conch has all the power so they fought over that.  The kids as the book goes on start to get a little out there.  They get into small groups and even try to kill the other kids.  At the very end they were hunting each other and set the island on fire but luckily a passing military ship saw the fire and rescues the kids form the island.  How ever non of the kids were the same because of what they had to go through.

I've always compared this book to my life in the way that these kids landed on a random island in the middle of now where and had to get used to everything and learn the island.  When all the kids meet each other it was like when I first came to the school and met everyone.  One real challenge the kids faced through out the whole book is working together.

1 comment:

  1. Jacob, excellent summary of the events that happen in the book! Your discussion of how the island in the book connects to your own life. Can you revise this post by adding a quote and example from the book so that you can meet learning target RL1, "I can use evidence to support my ideas?" Nice job!


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