Friday, September 23, 2016

"The Pig King" by Giovanni Francesco Straparola

The Pig King by Giovanni Francesco Straparola is about a prince trapped in the skin of a pig. The story starts when three fairies cast three spells on a young lady. The third spell states that "the song whom she shall conceive shall be born in the skin of  pig...he shall be constrained to abide till he shall have three times taken a women to wife" (43).
Image result for the pig king
One difference from the story of Beauty and the Beast we're all familiar with is how this retelling follows the pig prince and unlike Beauty and the Beast, the prince must wife three women instead of proving his love like the Disney movie.

So the story progresses and the pig prince marries his first wife. The young lady, however, is greatly disturbed by the very thought of marrying the pig prince. But, the queen pleaded greatly, and convinced her with all the fortune she could gain. Nevertheless, with belief that his wife would kill him in his sleep, the pig prince "struck her with his sharp hoofs...and killed her" (44).

The pig prince married again and then for a third time; then could he shed his pigskin and reveal himself as a handsome prince. The tale ends like any other fairy tale would; with a "happily every after.

The story is very different from the original Disney retelling of Beauty and the Beast. The pig prince kills his first wife--thus acting like a beats as well as looking like one, too. Also, in the Disney version, the story focuses on Belle and the Beast's love interest but in Straparola's we follow the pig as he marries each woman to escape his pigskin prison.

Level 1, 2 & 3 Questions:

1. Why does Meldina accept the pig whereas the maiden didn't?
2. Why did the pig king have to kill his other two wives but not Meldina? And how come the others didn't see his true beauty inside like Meldina?
3. Why is it hard to see the beauty in some people but not everyone?


  1. Hey Gabe,
    I loooooooove your level three question, it really makes me think about putting this story to real life. I also love how you said how this story had a "happily ever after," but also contrasted "The Beauty and the Beast" and "The Pig King" very specifically. Although, I feel like you should have talked a little bit more about the end and how Melinda was different than the others. Also, try to talk about your quotes more, you have a very nice introduction to the quotes, just make sure you discuss it afterwards.

  2. 1) Why does Meldina accept the pig whereas the maiden didn't?
    Meldina accepted the pig because she saw his beauty within, unlike the other maidens who only saw ugliness on the outside.
    2) Why did the pig king have to kill his other two wives but not Meldina? And how come the others didn't see his true beauty inside like Meldina?
    The pig killed the others because he knew that they thought he was ugly and didn't care to get to know him. They didn't see his true beauty because they were self-centered and the outside appearance was a priority to them.
    3) Why is it hard to see the beauty in some people but not everyone?
    There are a few reasons why people see beauty in some but not all. One is that, unfortunately, people look for the beauty on the outside. Since outside beauty is determined by society, there are many standards people have to confirm to to be considered beautiful. The second reason is that people do attempt to see the beauty within, but may fail to do so, due to some people being a bit more reserved or timid and thus appearing to me rude or mean.

  3. 1. Why does Meldina accept the pig whereas the maiden didn't?
    Meldina's sister just saw the appearance of the pig, while Meldina saw the pig's true beauty, which was on the inside.
    2. Why did the pig king have to kill his other two wives but not Meldina? And how come the others didn't see his true beauty inside like Meldina?
    The pig killed the others because they saw how ugly and dirty he was, and even planned to kill him: "And when it was time to go to bed, the young girl said to herself, 'What am I to do with this foul beast? This very night, while he lies asleep, I will kill him.' The pig prince, who was not far off, heard these words, but said nothing, and when the two retired to their chamber he got into bed, stinking and dirty as he was, and defiled the sumptuous bed wit his filthy paws and snout. He lay down by his spouse, who was not long in falling asleep, and then he struck her with his sharp hoofs and drove them into her breast so that he killed her" (44). The other two sisters planned on killing the pig, which resulted in their violent death, while Meldina never planned to, which is why he didn't kill her. The sisters didn't see his inner beauty because they were so preoccupied with his outer appearance.
    3. Why is it hard to see the beauty in some people but not everyone?
    One of the main reasons why it is hard for people to see beauty in others is because like Meldina's sisters, they are too worried about the outer appearance of one rather than what's on the inside. Another reason may be because of what they have been told about the certain person, resulting in a reluctance to get to know them.

  4. 1. why does Meldina accept the pig king whereas the other maidens didn't?
    Meldina accepts the pig king because she sees the inner beauty he has and chooses to accept him even though on the outside he was a hideous pig.
    2.Why did the pig king have to kill is first two wives?
    The pig king kills his first two wives only after hearing that they planned to kill him. Meldina never planned on killing him so he never had to kill her.
    Why is it hard to see the beauty in some people but not everyone?
    It can sometimes be hard to see people for whats on the inside due to the fact that our first impression of any person is usually what they look like.

  5. 1. Why does Meldina accept the pig whereas the maiden didn't?
    Melinda accepts the pig for who he is because she had a spell put on her which made her beautiful, caring, and genuinely nice and sees what's on the inside rather than out.

    2. Why did the pig king have to kill his other two wives but not Meldina? And how come the others didn't see his true beauty inside like Meldina?
    The king killed his first two wives as a form of self defense, because he felt in danger of death himself. Meldina was different, her personality allowed her to look past the other aspects, and the pig never felt harmed with her.

    3. Why is it hard to see the beauty in some people but not everyone?
    It really depends on the person's personality, and how comfortable they are with themselves. Someone who is confident and comfortable with themselves tend to look past others flaws, whereas others who are immature and have low self-esteem tend to find trouble in accepting others for who they are.

  6. Gabe, you did a fantastic job describing the story of "The Pig King" and how it compares to the Disney version, "Beauty and the Beast!" I especially like your concise paragraphing and how you made the post easy to read with visual images and formatting (i.e., bold texts for your discussion questions).

    The next step for you is to continue to focus on "hit and run quoting." While you effectively use quotes to illustrate scenes from the book, you do allow them to dangle without discussion a couple of times. The place I'd like to see you work on "hit and run quoting" most would be the first quote in paragraph one. Also, make sure that you have end quotes when you are quoting so your reader can know where the quote ends.

    Lastly, I was *VERY* impressed by your level 1, 2, and 3 questions! Your level 3 question, "Why is it hard to see the beauty in some people and not everyone" is certainly a testament to why your post received so many comments. Excellent work!

  7. 1. Why does Meldina accept the pig whereas the maiden didn't?
    Meldina didn't judge him right away. She took the time and saw the pigs inner beauty, rather than judging him for his appearance.

    2. Why did the pig king have to kill his other wives but not Meldina? And how come the others didn't see his true beauty inside like Meldina?
    His first wives did not care for him, and he killed them because he thought his life was at danger. Meldina looked past his appearance and focused on the other things, and the pig felt safe around her.

    3. Why is it hard to see the beauty in some people but not everyone?
    The first thing you notice about a person is not their personality, but their appearance. Today many people don't take enough time to get to know someone, and take whats on the outside or the first tiny impression of them, and judge them for that little bit of information they know.

  8. 1. She had learned wiser lessons than her older sister, one of them being not to classify someone by their appearance.
    2. He overheard them plotting to kill him in his sleep, and they couldn't stand the sight of him. And he was cursed to be a beast so that people would look down on him.
    3. Society sees appearance as a priority over personality. Someone with more "beauty" will be respected more than someone with less.


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