Wednesday, September 14, 2016

We're All Mad...Everywhere.

Well if Alice can chase a Rabbit down an unfamiliar hole in the ground then I can chase the unfamiliar road, theoretically speaking.  Alice and I both share a couple similar traits: 1. We both walk into anything that doesn't make sense just to try to make sense of it.  And 2. We both get emotional when the thing we are trying to make sense of doesn't make sense.  Notice how I used the word sense a lot.  Well what Alice is constantly trying to make sense of everything that happens to her such as falling furniture, unusual shrinking and growing, and mad people.  There was a time when Alice was talking to The Duchess who was an awfully rude woman in her eyes.  This rude woman threw her child at Alice and after her observing it for a second she thought, " was a queer-shaped little creature" (51).  Alice must have had confusion for the child began to turn into an animal! She thought, "There could be no doubt that it had a very  turn-up nose, mush more like a snout than a real nose; also its eyes were getting extremely small for a baby" (51). Alice had been very confused by this and tried to make sense of it but instead she tossed the now pig for she no longer had to take care of it. 
Now my confusion does not relate to a pig or falling objects but instead to where I will be going in life.  Like Alice I run into odd obstacles daily like most humans do such as people and growing older.  I try to make sense out of why people get upset at me or in general or why we have to wait to but a certain number or years to do something or why things change in front of me.  These things may never make sense and some may make sense with time.  But for many of us including Alice, life is basically trying to make sense of things. 

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